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MINI-M4 Stellaris Board Examples



Author: MIKROE

Last Updated: 2016-02-20

Package Version:


Category: Development Systems

Downloaded: 1742 times

Followed by: 1 user

License: MIT license  

Examples for MINI-M4 Stellaris Board. Provided examples demonstrate working with on-board LEDs and internal USB HID module.

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MINI-M4 Stellaris Board

MINI-M4 Stellaris Board

Side view of the MINI-M4 Stellaris Board.

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MINI-M4 for Stellaris is a small ARM® Cortex™-M4 development board containing LX4F230H5QR microcontroller. It is pin compatible with PIC16F887 and PIC18(L)F45K20 microcontrontrollers and it perfectly fits into standard DIP40 socket. Board is equipped with 16MHz SMD crystal oscillator, and 32.768KHz crystal which can be used for internal RTCC module. It has reset button and three signal LEDs. Board comes preprogrammed with fast USB HID bootloader, so no external programmers are needed for development. It operates on 3.3V power supply. On-board voltage regulator allows the board to be powered directly from USB cable.

Provided examples demonstrate working with on-board LEDs and internal USB HID module.

MINI-M4 for Stellaris Board Schematics

MINI-M4 for Stellaris Board Schematics

Schematics of the MINI-M4 for Stellaris Board.

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M-BUS RF 4 Click


M-BUS RF 4 Click is a mikroBUS™ add-on board with a MIPOT 32001324 RF wireless transceiver. This module operates in the 868 MHz SRD Band. Thanks to its small LCC form factor (15 x 25 mm only) and its low power consumption this module allows the implementation of highly integrated low power (battery operated) solutions for water, gas, heat or electricity metering applications, both on meter or concentrator devices.

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Matrix G Click is a mikroBUS add-on board with two green 5x7 matrices driven by two MAX7219 8-bit LED Display Drivers. The active area of each matrix is 7.62mm high and 5.08 mm wide. 7x5 is a standard resolution for displaying ASCII characters, so the Click is essentially a dual-character display capable of showing letters in more readable typefaces compared to a 14-segment display. The Click communicates with the target MCU through the mikroBUS SPI interface with two separate Chip Select lines for each matrix (CSL for the left, CSR for the right). This board is designed to use a 5V power supply.

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